Bitcoin: At 10 Months Low And ...
The Bitcoin at 10 months low as it lost 56% since November 2021 when started the decline from $68,960 landing today at a low of $29,742. How...
了解更多本周前瞻 | 上周美聯儲加息和非農利好,美元指數續創新高,...
5月2~6外匯市場回顧 : *外匯商品: 上週三(4日)美國公佈小非農資料不佳,以及上週四(5日)清晨美聯儲利率決議聲明加息2碼但對經濟增長提出示警,造成美元指數高點反轉暴跌約120個點,推升歐美、鎊美、澳美和紐美皆漲逾130個點。同日晚間英...
了解更多08 May 2022 – The Week A...
Outlook: In the week ahead, we provide you with all the necessary to build your strategy during the upcoming week with extra knowledge and u...
了解更多每周前瞻 | 上周歐美軍援烏克蘭歐美鎊美暴跌350個點,美元...
4月25~29外匯市場回顧 : *外匯商品: 上週一(25日)美國和英國皆表示提供軍事武器援助烏克蘭,造成歐美和鎊美分別創下5年和1年半新低。上週三(27日)歐盟研討儘快停止進口俄羅斯能源,以及上週四(28日)德國議會通過提供軍事武器援助烏克...
了解更多Why Do Beginner Traders Lose I...
The fact that most traders lose their money in the FOREX more than Equities, might be scary for new traders. But we are here to help clarify...
了解更多FOREX is better than the NFT M...
What is the NFT? Why investment professionals do not recommend investing in NFT market? Why are major brokers not yet offering NFT instrumen...